Lane Cemetery Restoration

The Friends of Bridgewater History is working with a descendant of William Lane to restore the family burying ground on Francis Drive in Bridgewater, New Jersey. Some of the earliest settlers of the area, including four Revolutionary War Patriots, are interred there.
The burying ground was once part of a farm owned by William Lane. The house that he built in the mid-1700s has been preserved by the Township of Bridgewater and was included in a book about Pre-Revolutionary Dutch Houses by Rosalie Fellows Bailey. The house, located on Milltown Road, has received several grants from Somerset County and is listed on the State Register of Historic Places. The burying ground, which once stood in the middle of a field on his farm, is now a small plot of land enclosed by a fence in the Shields Lane housing development adjacent to Milltown Road. Of the 21 headstones visible in the burying ground, 4 of them mark the graves of Patriots who served in the Somerset County Militia during the Revolutionary War: William Lane, his sons Tunis and Gilbert, and his son-in law Hendrick Vroom.
Progress so far...

Upon our first visit, there were so many dead branches/bushes throughout the cemetery that it was difficult to walk through it. This picture was taken after all the dead branches were gathered up. It resulted in a very large pile that is seen on the right.

This picture was the motivation for our Go Fund Me campaign to remove dead trees from the cemetery that had the most potential to destroy the historic gravestones.

Progress: May 2022
All dead trees that had potential of damaging the gravestones have been removed. Flags currently mark the location of four Revolutionary War Veterans: William Lane, his sons Gilbert and Tunis, and his son-in-law Hendrick Vroom.

This is the gravestone of William Lane. His home at 551 Milltown Road in Bridgewater, has a new roof and the foundation has been stabilized as a result of a grant from Somerset County. The Friends of Bridgewater History in partnership with the township, has worked in facilitate the preservation of this home.

Progress: November 2022
Invasive garlic mustard was removed. Spring bulbs and vinca ground cover were planted.
Jan Rohn, who is a decendant of William Lane has spearheaded this project. She resides in Brick, NJ

Progress: April 2023
Flowers are in bloom!