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Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraiser.

Unfortunately, someone posted the map on Facebook 

and donations were well below what was raised last year.

As a result, we will not be holding the event in 2025.

Current Events

Next meeting Tuesday, March 3, 2025 @ 7:30


Location: Martinsville Community Center,

1961 Washington Valley Road, Martinsville

Building is on top of the hill behind 

the Washington Valley Library.

All are welcome!

2024 Journey Through the Past at the Lane-Voorhees-Brokaw House

Thank you to everyone who visited the Lane-Voorhees-Brokaw House during the Somerset County Journey Through the Past and especially to our volunteers who made the event possible!


Although the house remains closed for restoration, the grounds were open to the public with an exhibit that focused on four themes: the historic features of the house, the people who lived in the household of William Lane, the preservation of the William Lane burial ground, and how the Revolutionary War impacted members of the family.  Family tree activities for all age groups and colonial games for children and the young at heart and were also enjoyed during the weekend.​

Gravestones Preserved at William Lane Cemetery

The gravestones of four Revolutionary War veterans and one of their wives were preserved at the William Lane Cemetery near Milltown Road. Funding for this project was made possible through the sponsorship of Middletown Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. The DAR Historic Preservation Grant was awarded to the Friends of Bridgewater History with matching funds contributed by generous community members. Before and After Photos of the gravestones were provided by Jablonski Building Conservation, Inc., who performed the work.

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History Talk Series 

Now and Then...a walk through our past

Talks highlighting changes that have taken place over the last 100 years in Bridgewater are help periodically.

Check back here or follow us on Facebook for additional details!


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The Friends of Bridgewater History is looking for members to join our mission to preserve and promote our town's history.

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